During a recent eye-opening conversation with a much-loved, long-standing friend, it was revealed to me that she believed me to be brave. ‘Brave for what?’, I asked. ‘Brave for being a nurse’, she replied. I’ve experienced similar remarks like this before, and each time I’ve struggled to make the connection. Upon further discussion, it usually becomes apparent that the reasons behind such thoughts include something similar to the following: the long hours - 'your shifts are how long?!', dealing with the expulsion of imagined gallons of bodily fluids on a daily basis, looking after 'all those drunk patients who end up in A&E of a weekend' - I've never worked in A&E, and perhaps most frightening for them, caring for those who are in pain, or critically ill, or dying.
Whilst most (if not all!) of the aforementioned issues may have daunted
or scared me at the beginning, the truth is that I tend not to worry about such
things now. Instead, as I fast approach my transition from student to qualified
nurse, my fears have shifted to more political and logistical-related issues.
Those of you who follow me on Twitter may have picked up on this of late, with
my fairly incessant tweeting in regards to the likes of: safe-staffing levels,
skill-mix ratios, the underhand and not-so-subtle privatisation of the NHS, the
seemingly-endless cuts facing our already-underfunded and under-resourced
healthcare system, the avalanche of tick-box exercises that are now an everyday
part of the nurse’s role, and, what I have at times perceived to be, a
saddening lack of solidarity and support within the nursing profession. All of
these things (and of course there are others) seem to me, to be competing and
conflicting issues that ultimately oppose what we, as nurses, instinctively and
intrinsically value.
I've written previously about my last placement, and what an absolutely
wonderful experience it was. My development within those ten short weeks was
tremendous - thanks to my fabulous mentor whom I’ve already tweeted and written
about rather extensively at this point. However, with that much-needed
development and increasing autonomy came the stark realisation of what it is to
be a nurse in today’s (internal and external) political climate, and truth be
told, I’ve struggled with it ever since.
Hopefully, most of you will have recognised by now that I want to be a
nurse for the most simplest and sincerest of reasons - I want to care for
people. I'm not in it for the glamour or the money (I'd have to be a fool if I
were), or the international opportunities; I'm in it for the patients, nothing
more, nothing less. But how much will my pre-qualifying desires match up with
the reality of post-qualifying responsibilities in light of all these conflicting
influences? Experience and reality tell me that they won't, at least for the most
part anyway. At some point in the not-too-distant future, I suspect that I am
going to have to try and reconcile these disparities and attempt to arrive at
some level of acceptance; if not in the hopes of avoiding a severe sense of
disillusionment and protecting my own sanity, then most definitely for the sake
of my patients, and that, is going to take a great deal of bravery indeed.
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