Thursday, 20 October 2011

Into The Groove

So here we are, one month on. I must admit it feels a lot longer than that, but as I said in my last post, time really does fly when you’re having fun. I’ve come to the realisation within the last week or so that there was really no need for me to worry about returning to education. Turns out, I LOVE being a student again! OK, so I’m permanently cash poor and my accommodation leaves a lot to be desired (our sad looking three-legged sofa springs to mind), but my enjoyment of the course more than makes up for all of that ... well most of it anyway.

During the last two weeks we’ve covered a number of the anatomical systems, looked at the art of moving and handling - and yes it really is an art, learnt basic CPR, discussed and analysed both good and bad patient experiences, and delved into the depths of our legal, ethical and moral obligations as nurses.

Even at this very early stage there are people within my cohort who (I think) stand out from the crowd, and who (I think) will go on to become excellent nurses. I'm proud to be learning alongside them and I hope to one day work alongside them after we've qualified. I'm especially in awe of those who are not only undertaking a degree - and a nursing degree at that - but are also raising children.

Another great source of inspiration has come in the form of the wonderful lecturers I have had the fortune of encountering. They are, for me, what it’s all about. I hope to be as accomplished and impressive as them one day. 

As ever, I hope my fellow student nurses out there are enjoying their experiences. Please drop me a line and let me know.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Time Flies ...

Has it really been two weeks since my last post? Naughty, Flo! In my defence, I have been such a busy bee of late. Between lectures, seminars, tutorials, studying, flat sitting, building wardrobes, and hand-washing laundry, things have gotten a bit hectic! But enough of that, let’s get down to business.
Since I last posted, I have been introduced to a whole new world of nursing... well... stuff. Some of which includes: learning how to wash my hands correctly and thoroughly; understanding the basics of infection control; uncovering a plethora of fabulous trailblazers in nursing history; observing and practicing dressing a wound using the aseptic technique; and experiencing a whole new level of tired - all of which I’m aware is only the start of things to come! I must confess, since my very first day on the course I have been petrified at the thought of my first placement, but after participating in some clinical skills practice over the last couple of weeks my outlook has changed, and my niggling nerves have been replaced with ever-increasing excitement. In fact, I have just today discovered that my first placement is in an acute-care hospital setting. I still have a few weeks before the placement actually starts, so there’s plenty of time to read up on the subjects surrounding the type of care provided. But before I go on placement, there’s still plenty to learn and look forward to at university. Which reminds me... I have work to do! I’d love to hear how other new and progressing student nurses are getting on, so please drop me a line.